About Us
YM American Academy provides education consulting, located in Delaware, helping Chinese and American students apply to American universities. Our president and one of the team founders, Dr. Yang Zhen, has lived in America for more than 20 years, and has collected and accumulated the admissions data for the top American universities. He has worked on quantitative analysis for admissions, with the unique vision of a senior scientist, and has helped many ordinary students step into their dream universities.
During the 2017-2018 application season, all the students who applied to American universities under the guidance of YM American Academy were admitted to the top 50 universities, as ranked by US NEWS. More than half of our applicants were admitted to one of their reach universities.
The growth of YM American Academy was selected as a case study by students at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University.

Dr. Zhen Yang
President of YM American academy, head of university application team
Dr. Zhen Yang entered Nanjing University at the age of 15 and completed his undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate there. Later, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Nanjing Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and for scientific research in different learning phase he has followed three famous members of Chinese Academy of Sciences: Anbang Dai (inorganic chemist, and a pioneer and founder of coordination chemistry in China), Yi Chen (physical chemist, a former Nanjing University Principal, and Chairman of the Chinese Chemical Society) and Zhaoliang Zhu (soil chemist, a former vice chairman of the Chinese people's political consultative conference of Jiangsu Province, and Chairman of China Society of Soil).
Appointed fellow at the Royal Society and guest lecturer at Lancaster University in UK.
Director of Teaching and Research Office, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, instructing doctoral students.
Senior fellow of United States National Research Council. He worked in the northwest Pacific Ocean Marine environment laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States, and participated in the global Marine environmental science experiments around the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean led by Nobel Prize winners.
Worked in medical research center of U.S. Army Department Walter Terry.
Judge at Israel's National Science Foundation
Overseas consultant of Yangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation, whose story been selected for the book "Overseas Yangzhou People".
In 1998, his academic papers published in international authoritative journals (SCI academic list) was ranked top 1 in the discipline in China.
He has presided over and completed a number of national and international science foundation research projects and delivered keynote reports at the main international academic conferences. His research findings have been cited many times by two Nobel Prize winners and reported by Guangming Daily and China Youth Daily.
He has published articles in People's Daily, Xinmin Evening News, Yangcheng Evening News and Yangzi Evening News.
Has been invited as a special guest comment on the European football final in the provincial television in China.
In recent years, he has helped Chinese students and American-born Chinese students apply for American universities, and he is well-known in applying for prestigious universities in the eastern United States. Over the years, he has devoted himself analyzing the rules and strategies of university admission in the United States, and hosted tens of lectures and workshops for university application in the Chinese community. Some Chinese communities in Pennsylvania and Delaware have made Dr. Yang's lectures a prerequisite program for the start of the application season. He has guided hundreds of local American high school senior students and Chinese high school senior students to enter prestigious American universities. All of the students under the 2017-2018 guidance are now enrolled in top 50 universities in the United States, and more than half are enrolled in their dream universities.


蔡博士毕业于清华大学, 获学士和硕士学位,1991年来到美国,在麻州大学获得博士学位。之后在世界500强工作期间,于2001年在宾大沃顿商学院获得高层管理人员硕士学位(EMBA)。 其后走上管理职位,成为难得的在美国知名企业总部做到全球市场和商务的资深总监的华人。
蔡博士一直对教育有着浓厚的兴趣,对美国及中国的教育比对有多年的观察与总结。对于教育的思考与实践也有几代人的沉淀。出生于书香门第,做为家里的第三代清华人,实现了成功走出中国,并完成了从工程技术到商业管理再到金融投资的华丽转身。这种思考和实践在她对儿子的教育上又有了进一步的延续。儿子做为沃顿商学院的第二代,也超出学霸的概念,超出华人孩子的stereotype, 成为两个沃顿学生团体的主席,并为中学和大学都留下了永久的印记。由于对教育的热爱,蔡博士也利用业余时间十几年来在沃顿,清华以及德雷塞尔大学做学生导师,为学生求学,求职提供咨询与指导。 蔡博士同时也是宾大本科入学的面试官。

他热心服务于当地社区和华人社团、坚定维护和争取华人的正当权利,并作为侨领接受中央电视台和其它媒体的采访。他参加和组织的活动始终以子女的教育和前途为出发点。长期对教育的投入,陈博士积累了丰富的经验并取得了期待的成果。他有三个子女,老大进入了著名的文理学院Amherst College,后来的教育实践日渐成熟,老二和老三都没有经过面试直接在早期申请阶段被耶鲁大学录取。受陈博士的影响,他的子女也积极帮助和提高其他学生的学习成绩,每个孩子都指导和培训过SAT、写作和申请大学及研究生的过程。毕业后也积极参入母校的录用过程。接受辅导过的学生,多人进入美国的一流大学。

在教育子女的过程中陈老师发现,美国的教育制度包含了多种的教育体系。这些教育体系对孩子们接受什么样的教育,去什么样的学校接受教育,提供了很多的可能性。并且,美国学生的品德,素质和性格的培养与形成主要是依赖于家庭和学生所处的社区,或者是教会。而美国社会的各类民间群体,为孩子在体能和文化素养这方面的教育创造了许许多多的机会。面对孩子们有如此众多的自由选择机会,以及考虑到为人之母的责任感, 陈老师毅然决定全职学习钻研美国的教育体系, 熟悉了解美国民间各种类别的素质教育机构,学习美国的品德与信仰的教育, 寻求一个适合儿女成长的教育生涯规划。
经过陈老师的精心教导和培养,她的儿子就读于普林斯顿大学, 毕业后在纽约某咨询公司工作。女儿在佐治亚理工学院学习。陈老师还一直置身于中美朋友的孩子们和周围中美青少年中间,帮助他们进行升学咨询, 做了许多例的大学和私立高中的申请辅导。介于对美国教育的深刻了解和长期的经验积累,她针对学生的自身条件和所希望申请的学校的特点,为学生量身定制学生在学校内外选修和补习课目的计划, 给予学生校外活动和社区服务综合性的全面指导, 并且提供学生所需要的资源:如私人教师、补习班、社区服务机构场所、大学预科班、暑期活动和实习机会,以及国际和全国范围内大学或大公司的活动和比赛项目等。在此同时,她以学校和著名刊物的数据分析为依据,并且和学生家长、在校老师、及学校升学顾问配合,共同发现学生的潜力和特长,帮助学生达到自己潜能的上限。到目前为止,陈老师经手申请过的高中和大学包括,普通公立,私立 ,精英私立,常春藤,艺术,音乐和各式教会的学校。

Other Team Members
Interviewers from the following universities conduct interview counseling:
- Princeton
- Yale
- University of Chicago
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Pennsylvania
- Duke University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- and other prestigious universities
In addition, students from top universities will review and modify the application essays and materials according to their own experience, and the grammar and style will be checked by native English speakers and teachers with liberal arts backgrounds.
Professional art tutors will give guidance about art portfolios.
Experts from medical and dentistry schools will guide applicants who wish to pursue a path in medicine.
Each expert has many years of experience.
All student workers in our team are helpful with sunny and enthusiastic attitudes.